Social Ecology Lab

Through scholarship and collaborative practice, we bring social science insights to bear on pressing sustainability challenges to expand possibilities for a thriving today, tomorrow, and generations to come.

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Nicole M. Ardoin

Nicole Ardoin, Emmett Family Faculty Scholar, is an associate professor in the Environmental Behavioral Sciences Group and a senior fellow in the Woods Institute for the Environment in the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability. She is an affiliated faculty member in the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER).

Research Projects

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Strengthening and Sustaining Marine Socioecological Systems

This initiative aims to develop community-led marine conservation solutions that balance ecosystem protection with the needs of local fishing communities in Belau and Galápagos.

Marshall Elementary students Ricardo Rodriguez (age 10), Robert Martinez (age 10), and Gabriel Arauz (age 10) look at invertebrates from Rodeo Pond with NatureBridge educator PaHoua Lee (second from left) as part of a NatureBridge program in Golden IMG_2219

Youth Collecting Climate Data

This collaborative project equips youth from frontline communities with skills to collect, map, and use environmental data, empowering them as climate change advocates.

Collective Environmental Literacy

Collective Environmental Action

This set of studies seeks to develop approaches for measuring and fostering collective environmental action in communities.

Lab Members and Collaborators

Our lab includes research scholars from across campus, as well as collaborators from nonprofits, community organizations, foundations, and elsewhere. Our backgrounds span the range of social sciences with an emphasis on interdisciplinary perspectives on social-ecological systems and work from the local to the ecoregional scales. We employ a mix of approaches including ethnography, interviews, network analysis, mapping, photovoice, and more to seek quantitative and qualitative insights into complex environmental and social conditions.