ee360: Strengthening research-and-practice connections

We are a partner in ee360, a five-year initiative of the North American Association of Environmental Education (NAAEE) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). We are working to strengthen research-and-practice connections, as part of the initiative’s broader goals of supporting environmental education (EE) leaders and mobilizing their use of high-quality resources. This project addresses the challenge of connecting practitioners with current research findings and research-based resources, and it extends our work of producing the Environmental Education Research Bulletins. Project activities include conducting in-person and online workshops that leverage design-thinking tools and mindsets to generate creative strategies for connecting research and practice. The workshops¾and the insights they generate¾will be relevant to environmental educators working in formal and/or informal settings, as well as professionals from a range of fields with interest in more effectively connecting research and practice. To learn more, see here and here.